Leverage Mainsite's know-how to organize your entire flow of goods: from ordering all the way to shipping your finished product.
By way of system-based assessment of demand driven by historic data and current inventory, we will determine the most efficient stock and order level for you, to assure flawless supply of your company with all necessary material in the specified quality and quantity.
We are happy to process your incoming goods delivery incl. quality and quality control and will then forward these goods directly to your points of consumption.
Mainsite will also take care of outgoing shipments of finished products incl. packaging and hiring messenger services or freight forwarders as well as completing all required documents and filings – for shipments abroad customs forms are also included.
Waste disposal? Not a problem at all, our qualified staff will also handle all types of waste for you efficiently and in accordance with all applicable ordinances and regulations. If you wish, you can also have your dedicated employees trained by our staff.
Our postal service is available to handle both the distribution of your incoming mail and processing and stamping your outgoing mail.